Monday 8 February 2016

Today's Headlines

Dozens dead as two migrant boats sink
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Today's Headlines February 8
Top News Stories
Dozens dead as two migrant boats sink
Two boats on their way to Greece capsize near Turkey, killing at least 35 migrants, Turkish media say.
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Dissident republicans claim Dublin murder
Dissident republicans claim they carried out a shooting in Dublin on Friday in which a man was killed and two others wounded.
Leopard hurts six in Indian school
A male leopard enters a school in the Indian city of Bangalore, injuring six people before being captured and released.
Storm Imogen lashing parts of the UK
About 13,000 homes are without power and travel is disrupted as Storm Imogen brings heavy rain and winds of up to 96mph to parts of Britain.
Somali children 'face death' over drought
More than 50,000 children in Somalia "face death" because of the ongoing drought there, the UN says.
Sportsday - rolling sports news
The latest from the Premier League, football gossip, FA Cup & Super Bowl, plus breaking sports news and debate.
Tweddle recovering from neck surgery
Beth Tweddle moves her hands and feet after undergoing surgery on her neck following an accident on Channel 4 show The Jump.
Tweddle recovering from neck surgery
Beth Tweddle moves her hands and feet after undergoing surgery on her neck following an accident on Channel 4 show The Jump.
Top Videos
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VIDEO: Taiwan quake: The moment a survivor was found
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VIDEO: Frozen 'car park' unexpectedly melts
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VIDEO: Cartoon smartphone lessons for parents
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VIDEO: London bus blown up for film stunt
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The 'fat girl' everybody loved
Sophie Tucker, who died 50 years ago, became a household name with her songs and skits on sex, ageing and being overweight.
India outpaces China in 2015 growth
India's economy grew at a rate of 7.5% in 2015, faster than the 6.9% reported in China, official figures show.
Ban £50 notes, ex-bank chief says
Banks should stop issuing $100, £50 and €500 notes to tackle crime, a former bank boss says.
India blocks Facebook Free Basics
India's telecoms regulator blocks Facebook's limited free internet service as part of a ruling in favour of net neutrality.
Should Twitter ignore its users?
If Twitter is to grow, it may need to disregard the complaints by its regular users about innovations.
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Is this the world's greatest SUV?
As fast as an Aston Martin, as capable as a Range Rover, as opulent as a Bentley
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Fiat Jolly rides again
The classic resort car is reborn as a cheeky electric runabout
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Don't do this if you're indecisive
Why building a home from scratch is a bad idea. Plus must-dos for the rest of us
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How to give money the Chinese way
Tips to avoid a Lunar New Year faux pas
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What does this have to do with Trump?
An expert finds links between a news photo and a great work of art
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When ads go too far
Where is the line between inspiration and plagiarism?
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Strange monsters that prowled Australia
Half-tonne birds and giant kangaroos once roamed the land
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A coati in the kitchen
The problems with Costa Rica's love affair with keeping wild animals as pets
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What's the secret to making snow?
How movies simulate winter, even when it's warm
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Is any nature truly 'pristine'?
A new way to define the world's untouched places
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Europe's first underwater museum opens
See the 400 sculptures before the site opens to the public
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Where head banging meets tradition
Tradition and heavy metal mosh together in a new kind of African expression
World News TV
BBC World News: Meet The Team
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Friday 5 February 2016

Today's Headlines

UK brands Assange ruling 'ridiculous'
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Today's Headlines February 5
Top News Stories
UK brands Assange ruling 'ridiculous'
The foreign secretary brands a UN panel's ruling calling for Julian Assange to be allowed to go free "ridiculous", as the Wikileaks founder demands the decision be respected.
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Al-Shabab retakes key Somali port
Islamist militant group al-Shabab retakes Somalia's port city of Merca after African Union troops left, making it the biggest town under their control.
Crane collapses in New York City
Large construction crane collapses in central New York City, US media report
Pope set for historic Patriarch meeting
Pope Francis is to hold a historic first meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the head of Russian Orthodox Church, in Cuba.
Clinton and Sanders clash one-on-one
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clash sharply over Wall Street and foreign policy in their first head-to-head TV debate.
'TV cash will not cut ticket prices'
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger says television revenue that Premier League clubs get will be used to buy players.
Sportsday - rolling football news
Rolling updates as 13 Premier League managers speak to the media - plus what is a fair price to pay for a top-flight ticket?
Sportsday - rolling football news
Rolling updates as 13 Premier League managers speak to the media - plus what is a fair price to pay for a top-flight ticket?
Top Videos
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VIDEO: The largest annual human migration
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VIDEO: Why do Delhi's homeless prefer streets to shelters?
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VIDEO: Rare Ferrari to go under the hammer
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VIDEO: KAEC: Saudi's $100bn construction project
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Spared by the hitmen with principles
One year ago a group of gunmen was hired to kill a woman, but the hit did not go as planned and she returned to surprise the man who wanted her dead.
US economy adds 151,000 jobs in January
The US economy added 151,000 jobs in January, helping to push the country's unemployment rate down to 4.9%, official figures show.
VW delays publishing its results
Volkswagen says it will not release its results nor hold its shareholders' meeting on time, as it needs more time to work out its accounts as a result of last year's emissions crisis.
Google AI will play live Go match
Google has announced the next challenge for its AI software - to play a live-streamed Go match against the world champion.
New homes to get superfast broadband
The government has hammered out a deal between Openreach and housing developers to ensure new homes have superfast broadband.
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Fiat Jolly rides again
The classic resort car is reborn as a cheeky electric runabout
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First drive: Lamborghini Huracán Spyder
Top Gear's Ollie Kew heads to Miami Beach to sample Sant'Agata's topless terror
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Avoid these types on LinkedIn
Scammers and sales schemes are harder to spot. Here's how
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Would you trust your health to a phone?
Apps and technology are creating a new wave of care and jobs
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Hail, Caesar! is 'a surprising treat'
The Coen brothers' newest is their first feel-good film
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Is it wrong to find humour in war?
A new Dad's Army film re-examines whether comedy about conflict is in good taste
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The dark side of dolphins
They get up to some shocking stuff when we're not looking
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Saving Britain's rarest apples
How an orchard of rare cider apples will benefit wildlife
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Can you really get fit in 60 seconds?
The scientific secret of short but effective workouts
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How this insect can change what you eat
Nobody could have predicted what it does to people
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Where head banging meets tradition
Tradition and heavy metal mosh together in a new kind of African expression
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One country's endless war against water
Experience a world where water is both an enemy – and a cherished friend
World News TV
BBC World News: Meet The Team
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