Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Lidl £5, 1.22% savings, Martin's Covid checklist, free Greggs, financial ed

Plus... earn £100s via surveys, pet insurance going cheep
09 September 2020 Email not looking great? View online
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Schools are back. Work's back (for some). I'm back.
My coronavirus checklist - 15 key checks to ensure you're not missing out on £1,000s as support schemes start to wind up

The summer holidays are over. Kids are back at school. Some people are returning to work or hitting the office for the first time - while others are sadly having to deal with redundancy.

Plus some key coronavirus support measures are now on the path to being wound up. So as I'm now back after a few weeks off for family time, exercise and bad golf, I wanted to take this opportunity to put together a crucial checklist.

Please scan your eyes over it to ensure you're not missing out on something you're eligible for (as opposed to those who already know they're sadly missing out, as they're unjustly ineligible).

Ensure you're not missing out...

1) Returning to the office - are you due £6 for each week you worked from home? For the last five months, millions have had to work from home, yet gradually office work is returning for some.

For those required to work from home, if costs such as energy or heating increased, you're due some money. Full details and help claiming in my Working from home - claim tax back blog, but in brief...

 You're allowed to claim £6/wk tax-free from your employer to cover extra costs. Yet as most employers don't pay that, you can instead claim a tax break worth up to £2.40/wk. As you don't want to claim that too often, the perfect time is when you're returning to the office (or annually if you always work from home). 

2) 'Eat Out to Help Out' rumbles on at scores of chains and independent restaurants - see who's still giving discounts. The official Govt 50% off up to £10/person discount is over, but many chains and restaurants, from Gaucho to Pizza Hut, Bill's to Bistrot Pierre, are trying to keep the buzz going with their own DIY discount versions. See our Eat Out to Help Out-ish discounts guide.

  3) Are you one of possibly millions missing out on the 2nd self-employed grant wrongly thinking 'it's not me'? You've a month left.   800,000 people eligible for the 1st self-employment grant didn't claim it by the time it closed. That figure's likely far larger for the 2nd one, which is open now, and closes on 19 Oct.

Do read our full help on the 2nd Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant, which includes details on who's eligible. Yet in brief, you can be due up to a max £6,570, made up of 3mths' worth of up to 70% of your average trading profits (if that's under £50,000/yr) over a period of up to 3yrs. As it's a grant you NEEDN'T PAY IT BACK, though it is taxable.

To claim, you need to declare your business has been adversely affected by coronavirus since 14 Jul. This doesn't need to mean a total disaster - it could be, say, a reduction in trade, staff illness or extra PPE costs. And the grant is binary - you get the full amount you qualify for or nowt. Read our Can you declare your business is affected by coronavirus? guide, which takes you through it.

4) Greece (or some of its islands) joins the list of quarantine countries - refund rights if your travel plans are scuppered. In the last week, we've seen Greece enter the quarantine quagmire. Those returning to Scot from anywhere Hellenic must quarantine for 14 days, while in Wal and, from today (Wed) Eng, those returning from a selection of Greek islands must do so too.

For more help, see which of the top 15 holiday destinations you can currently travel to - and whether you'll need to self-isolate on your return. And if this scuppers your holiday plans, see our quarantine refund rights info on what you can do (sadly, in some cases people will be left substantially out of pocket).

5) Struggling with no or a low income? Don't assume there's no help - check what you're entitled to. The key benefit available is universal credit, a means-tested benefit to help low earners meet basic living costs, which can be worth £1,500+/mth for some. Recently a few people have said to me either "I won't get that" or "I tried a year ago and didn't get it". That's a dangerous assumption.

The criteria and payout rates were improved to help during the pandemic, so it's at least worth checking out. As eligibility criteria are complex, use our 10-min Benefits Calculator tool to see if you likely qualify and read our Coronavirus Universal Credit & Benefits guide.

6) Cheap energy deals may've hit lockdown lows, but now they're up - sort it soon, many can save £200+/yr. Wholesale energy prices (what providers pay for energy) are on their way back up from recent lows, just as the weather's set to start turning colder.

 Back in Jul we warned cheap fixes were disappearing due to this, and indeed back then the cheapest price from firms with decent service was an average £787/yr - now it's over £40 higher. So if you haven't sorted your winter fuel bill, use this Cheap Energy Club link to compare specifically the    cheapest deals with decent service  . If you want price surety, select a fixed rate.

7) Furlough pay is still a MINIMUM 80% of your salary up to £2,500/mth, plus pension contributions. Since Apr, 9.6m roles have been furloughed - this is where your job's put on standby and you get up to 80% of your salary, up to £2,500/mth.

From this month though, the Govt is only covering 70% of salaries and employers are being asked to pay the rest, plus national insurance and pension contributions. Yet you should still get the 80% - do ensure your employer's paying you what you're due.

Plus if your employer asks you to work, it should be giving you full pay for the hours you do, and you only get furlough pay for the rest of your normal hours that you don't do (if any). Check your employer's playing by the furlough rules in our detailed guide.

8) Employer 'making' you go back to the office - do you have rights if you don't want to or can't go back? It's always best, if possible, to start by being open and honest with your employer to see if a middle ground is possible. But if it's genuinely made things 'Covid Secure' and insists you return to work, you've few rights.

Max Winthrop of the Law Society's Employment Law Committee told us: "If you're healthy, have no special risks through an underlying condition and can travel safely to and from the office, refusing to work is usually difficult, and could lead to a disciplinary, including dismissal."

Ruby Dinsmore, employment lawyer at Slater and Gordon, added: "If, for example, you usually travel by heavily-populated public transport, see if flexible working or travelling out of peak times works for both you and your employer."

However, if you're medically vulnerable or feel you could be in serious danger by returning, then you've increased rights to appeal to your employer. For more help, this Citizens Advice Q&A is a good place to start.

9) Worried about redundancy? Whether it has happened or is possible, tool up on your rights. A BBC Freedom of Information request revealed that sadly firms planned over 300,000 redundancies in Jun and Jul. If you've been made redundant, or you're worried your job may be at risk, brush up on your rights. Our Redundancy Help guide includes your rights to pay, notice and holiday, and more.

It's also worth checking the Govt's  Job Help  site as it has 10,000s of vacancies. Plus check out top tips, info and support from other MoneySavers in the   Employment, Job Seeking & Training   section of the MSE Forum.

  10) On universal credit? Open a Help to Save account for a 50% SAVINGS BOOST even if you've no money to put in it now.    A tiny silver lining to the sad fact there are 100,000s more people claiming universal credit (UC) is that many more are now eligible for the Help to Save scheme - designed to help build financial resilience and a savings habit. It lets many on UC save up to £50/mth in it and, crucially, at the end of 2yrs you get a 50% bonus of the max you had in it. 

For example, if you save £50 for 10mths - so you've £500 - then withdraw all the money, you'd still get a £250 bonus after 2yrs. Better still, you can OPEN IT NOW WITHOUT PUTTING CASH IN (though do save in it if you can) and then continue to use it, even if you're no longer on UC. Full help and eligibility info in our Help to Save guide.

11) Self-employed / got a small business and need support, even for your income? Bounce back loans available until 4 Nov.  Small businesses, including limited companies, affected by coronavirus can apply for one-off £2,000-£50,000 loans. The loans are INTEREST AND REPAYMENT-FREE for the first year.

Plus, especially important for those who've missed out on other help, in many cases they can be used to support your income (I know this is a loan, not a grant, so not the same, but my aim's to show you all the options). As things currently stand, they're available till 4 Nov. Full info, including eligibility and how to apply, in our Bounce Back Loans guide.

12) Short of cash and got a Lifetime ISA (LISA)? You can withdraw some or all of it penalty-free until Apr. All wannabe first-time buyers aged 18-39 should consider saving in a top Lifetime ISA, as the state adds an unbeatable 25% on top of what you save. So put the max £4,000/yr in, and that's £1,000/yr added for free.

Yet withdraw money for any reason other than buying a qualifying first home or once you're 60+, and you'd normally have to pay what's effectively a 6.25% penalty. To help people access funds during coronavirus, that's now effectively been removed until 5 Apr 21, so if you need the money now you can use it.

PS: I keep writing 'effectively', as the way the penalty works is complex. We explain in full in the guide linked above.

13) 16-24s jobhunters - register your interest for Kickstart.   The Kickstart scheme has just launched for employers to sign up to (not in NI). It means the Govt foots the bill for firms giving places to those aged 16-24 who're claiming universal credit. Big names such as Tesco and Network Rail have already said they'll sign up. 

It's expected jobs will be available in Oct. To get one, you'll need to be placed in it by your Jobcentre work coach, so talk to them and register your interest now. Full info in  Kickstart Help.

14) Told to self-isolate by NHS 'Test and Trace'? Your rights. If you've been in close contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus, you may called and told to self-isolate for 14 days. If so and you can't work from home, here's what you're due...

- Employee earning an average £120+/wk. Statutory sick pay of £95.85/wk, though if your work normally offers more generous sick pay, you may be able to get that.

- Employee earning under £120/wk. If you already claim universal credit, log in to your online journal, update your details and your award should be boosted in line with your drop in earnings. If you're not already claiming, apply for universal credit, and if you need cash urgently, request an 'advance' payment.

- Self-employed. You can apply for universal credit as above, though what (if anything) you get depends on your costs, savings and income.

For info if it stops you going on holiday, see self-isolation travel insurance help.

15) Need help? We've six major coronavirus guides, from travel to life in lockdown. In many ways I've only just scraped the surface, yet the team and I have compiled a mass of information to help you over these last five pandemic months. And it's all in these guides...

Coronavirus travel rights , incl refunds & insurance
Coronavirus self-employed & small ltd co help, incl income scheme
Coronavirus employees' help, incl furloughing rights
Coronavirus finance & bills help, incl mortgages, energy & TV
Coronavirus life in lockdown, incl MOTs, food & entertainment
Thanks to all who voted for my show at TV Choice - WE WON


Great news on Mon. The Martin Lewis Money Show Live won the public vote for Best Lifestyle Show at the TV Choice Awards. You can watch  how Mrs MSE & the show team blindsided me with the award  , which she'd been hiding in her wardrobe. And the series restarts this Thu at 8pm with a 1hr live special, as you'll see below...


DON'T believe the fake 'Martin Lewis' or 'MSE' ads
Lots of scam ads litter social media and even newspaper websites - some of these lie that we or Martin promote Bitcoin, binary trading etc. See Fake ads warning.



On THURS 8pm ITV Martin's doing the UK's 1st prime-time financial education special - ensure you watch with teens, or for yourself. To help, whether you're 5 or 95 we've lots of free resources...

... including the MSE / OU Academoney, financial ed textbook and Student Loans Decoded film

We live in one of the world's most competitive consumer economies. Firms spend billions on advertising, marketing and teaching their staff to sell. Yet consumers get little training to be buyers. Ever since MSE was founded, one of our core aims has been to redress that imbalance - so big news this week. On Thu 10 Sep, 8pm, ITV, Martin's got a live 1hr financial ed special in front of a large (virtual) audience - don't miss it. As that means millions will no doubt be newly-enthused about improving their and their kids' money knowledge and skills, we've compiled key resources...

  • Free MSE Academoney Open University course - join the 26,000 enrolled so far. In May, we launched the MSE Academoney  - a huge joint education initiative with the OU aimed at grown-ups. Six 2hr sessions cover spending, budgeting & tax, borrowing, mortgages, saving & investing, and retirement planning - all with a mix of info, exercises, animations and videos from Martin. As Sam Tierney tweeted: "Proud self moment... during lockdown I used my time wisely to challenge and educate myself to learn more about the things schools don't get to teach us about. Loved every minute."
  • Free financial education textbook for teens.  The first-ever curriculum-mapped textbook (and teacher's guide) covers topics such as savings, budgeting, borrowing, student loans and identity theft. The initiative is by the Young Money charity, funded by and consulted on by Martin - 340,000 free copies were sent to all state-funded secondary schools in Eng, and anyone can get a free PDF of the textbook . It's mapped to the English curriculum, but should help all - versions for Scot, Wal & NI coming soon.
  • Student Loans Decoded: 60min film for pupils, students and parents - it mightn't cost what you think. Forget the political spittle - find out how student finance really works by watching our Student Loans Decoded programme (plus teachers' guide) and read the  20 Student Loan Mythbusters guide.
  • It's never too early to start to teach children about money - resources for little 'uns. While Martin's written a couple of blogs for younger children - 'Three money lessons for my daughter' and 'Give pocket money as pay' - we don't have full resources about this on the site. So here are a few of the best elsewhere...

    - Young Money has a compendium of links to teaching resources.
    Bank of England Money & Me has activities, games etc for primary school pupils featuring Beano characters.
    My Bnk has free resources, games & videos for 5 to 14s - eg, 'Energy Detectives' and  'Family Money Twist'.
  • Take the National Numeracy Challenge. Better functional numeracy boosts money skills, so why not take the National Numeracy Challenge to see how you're doing? After it'll direct you to resources to strengthen your weaknesses.

£5 off a £25 Lidl spend - 'appy days. Plus you could get £20 MORE off. Lidl's now officially launched its app (excl NI). Newbies get £5 off a £25 spend, while all app users now have a 1in5 chance on each shop of a 25p-£20 discount AND get weekly coupons. Save a Lidl more

The top 25 online survey sites - earn £100s/year for your tuppence worth. You can top up your income by giving feedback on everything from mask-wearing to Meghan & Harry. We've just added three new sites to our guide - Forumite Diggingdude uses one:  "I don't do it religiously, but made about £300 in 8mths." Cash for questions

Ending? Top 1yr fixed savings: 1.22% (plus up to £50 cashback for some).  The top 1.22% AER 1yr fix, where you lock money away for a fixed higher rate, right now is from Charter Savings Bank*  (min £1,000), but it's only avail via savings marketplaces (this link takes you via Raisin, which also gives £5-£50 cashback if you save £5,000+). It still retains full UK savings safety protection though. We'd go quick, as we think it may disappear any minute. If you're after easy access, NS&I  pays 1.16% AER variable (min £500, & min deposit/withdrawal £500). Full info & more options in Top Savings.

FREE £1ish Greggs sausage roll (incl vegan) for Vodafone mobile customers. 5,000 avail per day till Sat, so go quick. Free Greggs

Top credit card debt shift for POOR credit scorers - 9mths 0%. If you pay credit card interest, check if you can shift the debt to 0% via a balance transfer - where  you get a new card that repays other cards so you owe it instead, but interest-free. Acceptance can be tricky for those with a poor credit history, but 1) Don't assume you'll be rejected, use our balance transfer eligibility calc to see if you can get up to 28mths 0%, 2) If not, check out the Fluid card, which accepts some poor credit scorers at 9mths 0% for a one-off 4% fee of the amount you shift. Only shift what you can repay within that time though, as it's a hefty 34.9% rep APR after. Golden rule: Always pay at least the min monthly repayment and don't spend/withdraw cash on these cards. Full info in Top Balance Transfers (APR examples).

Martin: I confess, I did a 'decoy effect' experiment on my Twitter and Facebook followers... and it may be why they're buying more Jaffa Cakes (and overpaying for Netflix). Read  Martin's new blog.


Ends Mon. 'Free' dog/cat hamper with M&S pet insurance - but is it the best deal for you?

Here's our speedy rundown of how to get the paw-fect cheeeep pet insurance

With many still struggling to afford basic necessities during the coronavirus crisis, there's a temptation to cut or forgo pet insurance - it's estimated over 12m pets are uninsured. Yet as there's no pet NHS, and treating broken bones can cost £1,000s, there are real risks if you don't have a safety net. Whether you've had a pet for ages or are one of many new-ish owners following a surge in pet ownership during lockdown, our Cheap Pet Insurance guide helps with getting a first policy or switching. Here's a litter of quick tips.

  • Got a cat or dog? First check comparison sites to benchmark the cheapest price. For one cat or dog, combine Confused.com*, MoneySupermarket*, Compare The Market* and Gocompare* for a range of quotes. They don't all cover the same insurers, so try as many as you've time for. If you've multiple cats and/or dogs, then
    Confused.com* and MoneySupermarket* also incl multi-pet policies.
  • Then check the deals comparison sites miss, incl 'free' pet hamper with M&S Bank. See if insurers and deals not on comparison sites can beat the price you benchmarked - sometimes they will, sometimes they won't. Big insurer Direct Line* isn't on comparison sites - it currently gives 12mths' cover for the price of 9, and its multi-pet discounts can be decent. Plus we've currently blagged two deals:

    New M&S Pet Insurance* custs buying via this link by 11.59pm on Mon can get a pet hamper for their cat or dog (comes within 90 days), plus they also get the standard 15% online discount.
    New Tesco Bank* pet insurance custs get 3,000 Clubcard pts worth up to £90 (pts come within 80 days).
  • Got other pets, such as a horse, parrot, rabbit or reptile? There are no comparisons for them, so do it manually. But ensure you read what each insurer covers, as they won't be identical...

    - Horses and ponies: Try SEIB, Petplan Equine* and NFU Mutual.
    - Rabbits, budgies, parrots, chinchillas, lizards etc: Try Exotic Direct* (and Petplan* for rabbits only).
  • Beware switching insurance if your pet has a pre-existing condition. It's likely the new firm won't cover that issue, whether you've claimed for it or not. What's more, if you have recently claimed, your existing insurer may well hike the premium to cover that problem. So if you want peace of mind and the protection of being covered, you may well have to swallow a higher price. Full info in pre-existing help.
  • Struggling to pay your monthly premiums? Speak to your insurer. Rules from the regulator mean it has to help if your income has been affected by coronavirus, which could incl a payment holiday. See coronavirus pet insurance help.
  • Note our Pet Insurance Golden Rules...
    1) Pet insurance generally covers big issues, such as broken bones and cancer, not check-ups. See what's covered.
    2) Need cover but can't afford it? If you're on certain benefits, charities such as the PDSA may help with vets' bills.
    3) You're liable for a dog's behaviour, not a cat's, if they cause damage/injury. So check a policy's third-party cover.
    4) Could you self-insure? For smaller animals, you could put cash in savings to cover fees. See self-insuring help.
    5) Don't forget routine jabs. Forgetting could invalidate cover, though there's currently some flexibility. Jab help
  • Finally, if the insurer won't pay out and isn't playing fair... it's difficult, as insurance protects against unexpected eventualities - tough to check in advance. So check policy details, ensure insurers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and if a claim is unfairly rejected, take 'em to the free Financial Ombudsman.

FREE visits to 6,000+ historic buildings & heritage sites (some in-person, some virtual). Throughout Sep, many usually-closed or usually-charging places are open to visit or take an online tour of for free, incl Margate Caves (in person) and the Giant's Causeway visitor centre (virtual).  Free Heritage Open Days

Ends Sun. £5 Amex cashback on £10+ spends at 1,000s of LOCAL stores, restaurants, hairdressers etc. Works on top of existing offers - though pay it off IN FULL to avoid interest. £5 off Amex

Heads up: Free £100+ bank-switching bribes are back - there's one newbie this week, and we think more are to come.  Until now, the Halifax Reward account was the only one to offer a £100 switching bribe for months, and it's ending right now (11.59pm Tue 8 Sep, so only early recipients of this email will be in time). Yet now the  RBS Reward account pays £100 if you switch and £5/mth cashback if you pay a £2/mth fee and jump through a few minor hoops. Better still, we're hearing rumours of other launches to come soon, which may be better... so watch this space. Full info in Best Bank Accounts .

£22 Superdry prescription specs (norm £110). MSE Blagged. Plus free delivery.  Superdry specs

Five MSE team members are buying their first homes during the pandemic - what they wish they'd known before they started. Our First-Time Buyers' guide  takes you through the normal way to do it, but what's changed as a result of coronavirus? MSE Katie, Kit, Becky, Molly and Holly share what they've learned.

Students, parents, teachers - get up to 10% off a Mac or iPad + 'FREE' £159 AirPod earphones. Not MoneySaving, but if you're buying one anyway some can save £100+ with this discount - it's for students, their parents, teachers and anyone who works in education. Take a bite out of Apple's prices


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Longest 0%: M&S Bank 28mths 0%, 2.85% fee (min £5) or 28mths 0%, 2.75% fee for NatWest/RBS customers (both 19.9% rep APR)
No-fee 0%: Santander 18mths 0% (check eligibility / apply*) (18.9% rep APR) or 20mths 0% for NatWest/RBS customers (19.9% rep APR)

Cheapest fix with decent service: Utility Point, save £215/yr (not avail in parts of Scot)
Cheapest Big 6 fix: E.on, save £188/yr

Savings incl £25 MSE cashback & assume typical use vs price cap. Links go via our Cheap Energy Club.

Cheapest for £5,000-£7,499: Tesco Bank (check eligibility / apply*), 3.4% rep APR (1-3yrs)
Cheapest for £7.5k-£15k: Cahoot (check eligibility / apply*) or TSB ( check eligibility / apply*), both 2.8% rep APR

Standard b'band & line rent: Plusnet equiv £14.83/mth 
Fibre b'band & line rent: 
Virgin Media equiv £19.06/mth 
Superfast fibre b'band only (no line): Virgin Media equiv £21.23/mth

£100 to switch + £3/mth: RBS Reward
2.02% interest on up to £1,000: Virgin Money


Pret now offers up to 5 coffees/'barista-prepared' drinks a day for a £20/mth subscription. See how it works and  if it's worth it.

"Thanks to your home insurance tips I managed to switch when coming up to renewal and saved £380 on next year's policy - thanks."
(Send us yours on this or any topic.)



How much of your shopping is now online? Online shopping has been growing in popularity for years - and when the pandemic first hit, many only went out for essentials, so a lot of us relied on it much more than usual. But now stores have reopened, we want to know how much of your shopping is done online?

Over half of you hope to travel abroad in the next year. Last week, we asked if you're planning to travel overseas in the next 12mths. Almost 10,000 of you responded, with 57% planning a trip - though most of those said they would only go if they didn't have to quarantine. A quarter of those with plans have already booked and paid in full, with summer 2021 the most popular departure time. One in five respondents told us they don't feel safe enough to plan any travel abroad in the next year though. See full travel abroad poll results.



Should I send back the pricey diet plan I got free? I wanted to try a new diet plan, where the ingredients for a week's meals are sent to you - but it's expensive and I wasn't sure if I'd like it, so I contacted the company to ask if it'd swap some ingredients. It said it would and asked for my address. A few days later, I received a package with meals for a week and the ingredients I wanted - but I didn't order or pay for it, and there was no bill included. I've not heard from the company since, so I'm not sure if it was a free sample or sent by mistake. Should I send it back? Enter the Money Moral Maze: Should I send back the pricey diet plan I got free? | Suggest an MMD | View past MMDs


Lidl - £5 off £25 for new app users, plus chance to get £20 more off
Greggs - Free sausage roll (incl vegan) via Vodafone VeryMe
SpeckyFourEyes - £22 Superdry prescription specs (norm £110)
Heritage Open Days - Visits to historic buildings/sites
Amex - £5 off a £10+ spend at local shops, restaurants etc till Sun

Mock driving theory test - Official online tests
MOT reminder - Forgetting could cost you £1,000
Halfords -10-point car check (norm £15)
Green Flag -  recovery for NHS workers to/from work

Apple - Students can get up to 10% off Macs/iPads
Sharpies - £10 for 26-pack at Tesco till Wed (norm £23)
Burger King - £2 Whopper on Wed and more BK app deals
Ikea - £10 off £75 spend in-store for students
Morrisons Café - Kids don't pay with £4.50+ grown-up meal

Easy ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Keen to go green
Best curtains for keeping the heat in and cutting costs. Curtain call
Chance to win a pack of eco-friendly dish sponges. Absorb the cost



Thu 10 Sep - This Morning, phone-in, ITV, 10.55am
Thu 10 Sep - The Martin Lewis Money Show Live, ITV, 8pm
Mon 14 Sep - BBC Radio 5 Live, Ask Martin Lewis, 12.20pm. Listen again


Wed 9 Sep - BBC Radio Manchester, Drive with Phil Trow, from 2.25pm, Steve Nowottny on motoring MoneySaving
Mon 14 Sep - BBC Radio Manchester, Drive with Phil Trow, from 2.25pm
Tue 15 Sep - BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, Lunchtime Live with Jeremy Sallis, from 12.25pm



That's all for this week, but before we go... remember when the only purpose of mobile phones was to make calls, send texts and play the odd game of Snake? Last week marked the 20th birthday of the iconic Nokia 3310, and to celebrate, MoneySavers have been sharing pics of their vintage tech. It seems loads of you have drawers full of old mobiles, Walkmans, VHS video recorders, Discmans and more - with many devices still in full working order. Take a trip down memory lane - and let us know what you have - with our  vintage tech Twitter post.

We hope you save some money, stay safe,
The MSE team


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