Thursday 25 February 2016

Today's Headlines: Rival candidates pile on Trump in debate, Turkish journalists freed from jail, Key day for Fifa as election looms

Rival candidates pile on Trump in debate
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Today's Headlines February 26
Top News Stories
Rival candidates pile on Trump in debate
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio unleash a barrage of attacks on front-runner Donald Trump in the last debate before a pivotal series of primaries.
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Turkish journalists freed from jail
Two Turkish journalists charged with revealing state secrets are freed from prison after a court rules in their favour.
Key day for Fifa as election looms
Five candidates will battle to replace Sepp Blatter as president of football's world governing body Fifa on Friday.
Millions vote in Iran elections
Iranians are voting in elections for their country's parliament and the Assembly of Experts, a clerical body that appoints the supreme leader.
Four dead in Kansas factory shooting
Four people have been killed and 14 hurt in a series of shootings in the US state of Kansas, police say.
Key day for Fifa as election looms
Five candidates will battle to replace Sepp Blatter as president of football's world governing body Fifa on Friday.
Eye problem forces Djokovic loss
Novak Djokoivc is forced to retire from his Dubai Tennis Championships quarter-final against Feliciano Lopez with an eye problem
Eye problem forces Djokovic loss
Novak Djokoivc is forced to retire from his Dubai Tennis Championships quarter-final against Feliciano Lopez with an eye problem
Top Videos
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VIDEO: Migrants' desperation on the Greek border
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VIDEO: Police use special tactic to end chase
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VIDEO: Is this the world's loudest burp?
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VIDEO: What women think of fighting for India's army
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Dolly's story
Attacked with acid at 12, now dreaming of becoming a doctor
Beijing is new 'billionaire capital'
The Chinese capital overtakes New York as the city with the highest number of billionaires for the first time, according to a new report by China-based firm Hurun.
Woolworths sees 33% fall in profits
Australia's biggest supermarket chain Woolworths posts a 33% fall in profit for the six months to December and says there is "much to do" to improve its business.
Apple asks court to reverse iPhone order
Apple has asked a US court to overturn an earlier ruling forcing the company to help the FBI break into a phone used by one of the San Bernardino killers.
Nissan disables app over Leaf hack risk
Nissan suspends an app that allowed hackers to take control of its Leaf cars' heating and air conditioning systems.
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Have fans designed the next Bronco?
Impatient for the return of Ford's 4x4, enthusiasts draw one of their own
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McLaren reveals the 570GT
The supercar maker's latest model was created to conquer the weekend getaway
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Is a robot coming for your job?
How to stay one step ahead of the machines
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Why you should start work at 10am
How to change your work schedule to make you feel less tired
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Why The Revenant is the future of film
Its global box-office success and awards show victories reveal a huge impact
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Hollywood's other diversity crisis
Why are Latino actors missing out?
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The islands where dragons are real
The Lesser Sunda Islands are home to 3m-long Komodo dragons - but for how long?
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How to think like a chimpanzee
Toddlers are better at it than us
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YouTube's creepiest mystery videos
Are they codes for spies, or something stranger?
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Should we be so scared of 'chemicals'?
How 'chemonoia' has blinded us to real dangers
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A famous island nobody knows
"This country had touched my life without my ever knowing"
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Is NYC's most iconic sandwich – dying?
Saving this New York City staple saves the very culinary soul of the city
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