Thursday 11 February 2016

Today's Headlines: World powers 'agree Syria ceasefire', Japanese shares plunge in early trade, 'Paternity leave' MP quits over affair

World powers 'agree Syria ceasefire'
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Today's Headlines February 11
Top News Stories
World powers 'agree Syria ceasefire'
Major powers agree to seek a nationwide "cessation of hostilities" in Syria to begin in a week's time, as well as measures to advance aid deliveries.
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Japanese shares plunge in early trade
Japanese shares open sharply lower on Friday amid concerns over the global economy and following falls in the US and Europe.
'Paternity leave' MP quits over affair
A Japanese MP who sparked a national discussion on paternity leave resigns after admitting to having an affair as his wife was due to give birth.
Clinton and Sanders clash over Obama
Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clash over their support for the president in their first debate since the New Hampshire primary.
Man missing 30 years remembers identity
A Canadian man who suffered a head injury and went missing for 30 years is set to be reunited with his family after remembering his identity.
Johnson sacked by Sunderland
Adam Johnson is sacked by Sunderland after pleading guilty to one count of sexual activity with a child and one charge of grooming.
Are Man Utd about to rule the world?
£1bn from sponsors, 116 million social media followers and a £5bn TV deal - why Man Utd are set to become the world's richest club.
Are Man Utd about to rule the world?
£1bn from sponsors, 116 million social media followers and a £5bn TV deal - why Man Utd are set to become the world's richest club.
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VIDEO: Why Pope and Patriarch meeting matters
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VIDEO: Spearing giants in 'ocean's Jurassic Park'
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VIDEO: Bosch paintings in historic homecoming
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VIDEO: Google boss asked 'what do you get paid?'
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Erasing Franco's memory one street at a time
Spanish cities renew a push to erase Franco-era street names
Japanese shares plunge in early trade
Japanese shares open sharply lower on Friday amid concerns over the global economy and following falls in the US and Europe.
Morgan Stanley to pay $3.2bn settlement
Morgan Stanley will pay $3.2bn (£2.2bn) to US authorities to settle claims that it misled investors about risky mortgage bonds sold before the financial crisis.
VTech 'is responsible' for kids' data
The UK's data privacy watchdog confirms that VTech remains responsible for protecting users' data despite changes to its terms and conditions.
Facebook 'colonialism' row stokes distrust
Comments by a Facebook board member could put Mark Zuckerberg's global plans on the back foot.
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Car as 'driver'—what could go wrong?
Meet the movies' 10 naughtiest computers, from HAL to Samantha
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The Tesla of go-karts
Actev Arrow packs wi-fi, collision avoidance and an all-powerful smartphone app
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Why police should date bankers
Five hacks to a strong relationship
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How hipsters got in to city farming
Meet the young entrepreneurs growing food and money in capital cities
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How to survive a state of surveillance
Top secret: From classified to canvas
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Is this cinema's most riveting scene?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly's lasting legacy
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A love letter to Earth
Show us what you love about our planet
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Why we might need to kill koalas
Culling them could be the only way to save them
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Secret languages of the underworld
Here are the subversive lingoes you're not meant to know
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The lab where you breathe exhaust
What dirty air might be doing to our bodies
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Why you should never give up on love
A romance that blossomed on 36-hour layovers
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An island only helicopters can reach
These tiny villages were all but cut off from the outside world
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