Thursday 10 March 2016

Today's Headlines: Trump and Rubio row over Islam 'hate', Apple accuses US regulators of 'smear', Putin aide died of 'blunt force trauma'

Trump and Rubio row over Islam 'hate'
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Today's Headlines March 10
Top News Stories
Trump and Rubio row over Islam 'hate'
Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio attacks Republican front-runner Donald Trump for saying that Islam hates the US, in a TV debate in Miami.
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Apple accuses US regulators of 'smear'
The war of words between Apple and the US Department of Justice intensifies with accusations of "smear" tactics over China claim.
Putin aide died of 'blunt force trauma'
Mikhail Lesin, a former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin found dead in the US last year, died of blunt force trauma to the head, officials say.
Japan marks fifth tsunami anniversary
Japan is marking the fifth anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that left more than 18,000 dead or missing.
Islamic State files 'probably genuine'
The German interior minister says stolen files detailing hundreds of recruits to the Islamic State group can be assumed to be genuine.
Liverpool 2-0 Manchester United
Liverpool beat Manchester United with a high-energy display to claim victory in the first leg of their Europa League last-16 tie.
Sharapova must accept ban - Murray
Maria Sharapova "must accept responsibility" for failing a drugs test and serve her suspension, says Andy Murray.
England must seize chance - Hartley
England must win the first silverware of the Eddie Jones regime when they meet Wales on Saturday, says captain Dylan Hartley.
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VIDEO: Mother of three 'sleeping on streets'
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VIDEO: Footage captures glacier collapse
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VIDEO: Drone video of Japan's new tsunami sea wall
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VIDEO: Fukushima home now uninhabitable
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Will Maria be able to get her husband and daughters freed?
Apple accuses US regulators of 'smear'
The war of words between Apple and the US Department of Justice intensifies with accusations of "smear" tactics over China claim.
VW's US chief quits troubled carmaker
Volkswagen's top executive in the US steps down nearly six months after the German carmaker became engulfed in the diesel emissions scandal.
Click: Making BBC's first 360 show
As Click makes history with the BBC's first interactive 360-degree show, its presenter and producer explain how they did it.
Apple accuses US regulators of 'smear'
The war of words between Apple and the US Department of Justice intensifies with accusations of "smear" tactics over China claim.
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