Wednesday 23 March 2016

Today's Headlines

Brussels attacks: Latest updates
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Today's Headlines March 23
Top News Stories
Brussels attacks: Latest updates
Investigation continues following Tuesday's deadly explosions at the international airport in Brussels and metro station: Latest updates
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VIDEO: Survivor filmed during attack describes blasts
Briton Pauline Graystone, filmed sheltering with her family in the aftermath of the Brussels airport attack, has been describing her ordeal.
VIDEO: Brussels commuter: I walked 5km to work
Delays as Brussels' commuters return to work
VIDEO: Radovan Karadzic's road to the ICT
The BBC's Ben Brown examines the accusations against the former Bosnian-Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, ahead of verdicts in his case at the International Criminal Tribunal.
VIDEO: Prince speaks out for Nepalese girls
Prince Harry has thrown his support behind Nepal's fight to end child marriages, telling a summit that the cycle of illiteracy, poverty and ill health it leads to must be broken with education.
I am for equality in tennis - Djokovic
Novak Djokovic apologises to leading female players - and spoken with Andy Murray - following his comments about equal pay.
Drivers warn F1 success in 'jeopardy'
Formula 1 drivers demand change at the top of the sport, saying its decision-making process is "obsolete and ill-structured".
Wembley arch lit up in Brussels tribute
Wembley Stadium's arch is lit up in the colours of the Belgium flag in tribute to the victims of the Brussels attacks.
Top Videos
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VIDEO: Radovan Karadzic's road to the ICT
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VIDEO: Prince speaks out for Nepalese girls
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VIDEO: Century-old missing ship mystery solved
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VIDEO: Hundreds join Brussels night vigil
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IS in Europe: The race to the death
Tuesday's devastating attacks in Brussels show IS's European network is still at large, despite a year of intensive efforts by security forces to close it down.
Credit Suisse to cut another 2,000 jobs
Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse announces another 2,000 jobs cuts, adding to 4,000 cuts announced last month.
EDF decision on Hinkley Point due in May
French economy minister Emmanuel Macron says energy firm EDF will now make a final investment decision on the Hinkley Point nuclear reactor in early May.
Crowd-funded battery pack sparks anger
Would you run for 13 hours to charge your phone?
Google to expand Android Pay to UK
Google says that its Android Pay digital wallet facility will be expanded from the US to the UK within "the next few months".
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Welcome to your driverless life
Seven ways the autonomous car will change your daily routine
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E-Mehari is 'Citroën at its quirkiest''s Dan Read samples the French carmaker's open-top electric runabout
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Does your boss inspire greatness?
Three types of mentors who go above and beyond
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The hidden psychology of failure
Falling down flat could be the best thing that ever happens to you
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Is Batman v Superman a winner?
The superheroes square up
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Virginia Woolf's last novel
Written in a time of turmoil, the book is one of her least-known – and best
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The fate of food dropped on the floor
How quickly does it pick up harmful bacteria?
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The controversial plan to save corals
A daring scheme could help corals from extinction
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Why are people so incredibly gullible?
How lies and rumours come to be more believable than the truth
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The American Concordes that never flew
The failed US project to soar at twice the speed of sound
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A story of reincarnation in Nepal
How a 10-year-old Nepalese girl brought back memories of a past life
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Eat, drink and be merry in Athens
A celebration of local Greek food and authentic recipes from grandmothers
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